Thanks to your valuable feedback during the 2023/24 academic year, we’ve been busy making some exciting improvements to our IDL products, systems, and staffing to better serve you!
Check out a few of the updates we’ve made based on your input:
- New forgotten password feature developed and launched for account primary contacts.
- New website launched, with designated Customer Hub and built in Geolocation
- Developed customer survey tool to allow real-time customer satisfaction feedback, based on contact with customer service team
- Numeracy By Strand is launched. This development represents a huge leap forward for the application, ensuring teachers are able to measure progress effectively and accurately against age-related expectations, which targets and tailors learning for the individual needs of pupils.
- Pupil recovery feature released to support customers in restoring pupil data which was accidently deleted.
- Numeracy by Strand feature release to allow teachers to lock specific strands, helping you to ensure pupils are working on the strands of your choice
- Numeracy By Strand Book & Progress feature updates. The book allows pupils to practice any Numeracy By Strand lesson. It also allows pupils to see their progress.
- Numeracy By Strand feature to ensure progress in specific learning objectives are saved, if a pupil runs out of time in the session. Ensuring they can continue where they left off in their next session
- Released a comprehensive user guide for pupils using IDL outside of school. The guide covers a wide range of topics to ensure that pupils can access, log in, and navigate IDL with ease.
- New all in one IDL App launched. This exciting development was designed to allow pupils to access IDL Literacy, Numeracy by Strand and Wellbeing, along with the Literacy Screener, Numeracy Screener, and Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) with ease from one place. It was designed for speed, efficiency, and familiarity, mirroring the layout of the website and providing a seamless experience. Pupils can now log in by scanning their individual QR codes on the IDL login page.
- Released new method to book one-to-one bespoke training for you and your colleagues via you school web application.
- Numeracy By Strand feature release allowing you to specify what levels your pupils reached.
- Numeracy By Strand feature release with skipped lesson styling. When pupils take a test in Numeracy By Strand they will start at different points on each strand. They will not take lessons that fall before their starting point. These ‘skipped’ lessons are identified as ‘skipped’ in the full and detailed progress.
- Numeracy By Strand feature release to give teachers the ability to see what guidance videos pupils are presented with during specific learning objectives.
We are committed to continuous improvement and we value the trust you place in us. These updates reflect our dedication to providing you with the best possible experience and we thank you for your ongoing support and feedback.
IDL has an extensive road map with many more features and updates in planning and development, all developed by using your feedback and suggestions. We are now also creating focus groups involving teachers and specialists in the UK and internationally to ensure we keep your and your pupils’ needs at the top of the agenda for all developments.
If you would like to provide any feedback, or to contact us about anything else, please click here.