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What’s New? 04/01

09/01/24 Get the latest news to your inbox
what's new (4)

New IDL  App!

The brand-new IDL app is available now! This exciting development is designed to allow pupils to access IDL Literacy, Numeracy by Strand and Wellbeing, along with the Literacy Screener, Numeracy Screener, and Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) with ease from one place. It is designed for speed, efficiency, and familiarity, mirroring the layout of the website and providing a seamless experience. Pupils will now be able to log in by scanning their individual QR codes on the IDL login page. The new app is free to download onto pupils’ iPads iOS 13 or above and Android tablets Android 5.1 or above. Updates will be sent directly to your new IDL app, ensuring you always have access to the most up-to-date and enhanced functionalities. Please note: the new app will replace all existing IDL apps. However, they will still be available to use during the transition period.

Numeracy By Strand Editing of Tests

You can now edit pupils Numeracy by Strand tests. To do this, navigate to the tests tab within the Full and Detailed Progress Page. You will then press edit and will be given a slider to use, which allows you to specify what level the pupil reached. This feature is useful to allow you to place pupils if they are unable to take the placement test or you believe the answers given were not accurate at the time of the test. You can adjust progress according to whichever aspect of numeracy they are learning at that point to support their education further. If the test you are editing is the pupils only one, which placed them in the course, you will be given an option to re-place them. If you chose to do this, it will delete all of the pupils previous progress and re­ place them in the programme.

NBS Edit Test

NBS Edit Test Confirm