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What’s New? 09/10

12/10/23 Get the latest news to your inbox
what's new (4)

Numeracy  By Strand  Book  &  Progress

Pupils can now access their Numeracy By Strand practice book and progress page. The book allows pupils to practice any Numeracy By Strand lesson. They can see their current progress in their progress page. You can turn these features on from your IDL Teacher site in the ‘Manage’ tab in the pupils profile.

NBS Book & Progress

Numeracy By Strand – Lock Strands

As requested by you! You can now lock Numeracy strands to allow pupils to work on the strands of your choice. To do this go to the pupils Numeracy By Strand page in their profile> click ‘Full and Detailed Progress’ at the bottom of the page > while in the ‘Strands’ section, select ‘Lock Strand’. Strands can be unlock in the same way at any time.

Lock Strand

To find out more about any of these features, or to request a trial of IDL, please contact us.