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Coronavirus Catch Up Premium – How to use it remotely


All schools in the UK will receive their second payment of Coronavirus Catch Up Premium this month which for the typical primary school equates to around £16,000 of funding over the course of the academic year. Below we look at ways you can utilise this additional funding to support your remote teaching strategy and help to boost pupil progress.

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What is the Coronavirus Catch Up Premium?

This fund is designed to support children and young people in the 2020 to 2021 academic year to catch up on any education missed during school closures. Schools can use this funding to help their pupils catch up for lost teaching in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for this academic year.

Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances. The most effective evidence-based approaches for students to catch up have been outlined in a report published by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). Some of these approaches that can be used remotely include:

How will the use of the Premium be monitored?

As with all government funding school leaders must be able to account for how this money is being used to support pupils in getting back on track and ensuring the curriculum has a positive impact on all students.rn

During Ofsted visits inspectors will discuss how the school is bringing pupils back into full-time education and the quality of education to allow learners to catch up. This will include how the catch up funding has been utilised and the impact it has had on the learners’ education. IDL makes this simple for teachers as they can login and see all their pupils’ progress through easy-to-view graphs and charts which can be printed off and used as evidence.

We hope you have found this article helpful and we are here to support you with distance teaching and learning. If you would like a free trial of IDL Literacy and/or IDL Numeracy please click here. If you would like to discuss any of our products or would like to request our free Dyscalculia Screener to use with your pupils remotely please click here to contact us.

Click here to see our top tips for ensuring your pupils continue to make progress remotely.