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Birmingham Council – IDL Numeracy Pilot


Following the success of the IDL Literacy pilot in Summer 2018 IDL worked with the Pupil and School Support service to deliver a pilot with primary and secondary schools in Birmingham to test IDL Numeracy.

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This was for a period of ten weeks with a focus on Number Place Value Addition and Subtraction. Schools selected pupils who had identified Special Educational Needs (SEN) or who it was felt would benefit from a targeted maths intervention.

14 schools from across Birmingham took place in the pilot between April and July 2019.


Schools were required to make the following commitments in order to take part in the pilot:

Schools were asked to track pupils using the following threads of Birmingham’s Maths Toolkit focussing on the number element of the descriptors:

Of the fourteen schools that completed the pilot ten were primary and four were secondary.


Schools were asked to track pupils using the Birmingham Maths Toolkit. For the full academic year it is considered:

2 Bands progress – the pupil maintains the current gap between them and their peers.

3 Bands progress – ‘accelerated’ progress and the pupil will begin to close the gap between them and their peers.

As the pilot took place over the equivalent of 10 weeks then any progress identified on the threads was considered as accelerated (‘closing the gap’) progress.

Analysis of Results

The results were analysed through the comparison of pupils with different criteria and the number of bands of progress made on the Birmingham Maths Toolkit whilst using IDL. The different criteria included: