Used by over 4,200
schools worldwide
Award winning literacy and numeracy software programmes trusted by thousands of schools around the world.
Increase spelling and reading age by 11 months in just 26 hours without the need for one to one help.
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Learn MoreIDL Literacy
The IDL Literacy Intervention is a speaking-computer based multi-sensory system which supports learners with dyslexia and other learning difficulties.
Learn MoreIDL Numeracy
IDL Numeracy is a maths software resource that helps to improve ability for low-attaining learners in mathematics.
Learn MoreIDL Wellbeing
IDL Wellbeing is an exciting new product designed to integrate with a whole-school approach to mental health, toughness and behaviour management.
Learn MoreIDL Literacy Screener
The IDL Literacy Screener is a simple, effective online tool that can be used to highlight dyslexic type difficulties.
Learn MoreNumeracy Screener
The IDL Numeracy Screener has been developed to provide a simple to use online test that will highlight any dyscalculic tendencies or number SEN.
Learn MoreIDL Maths Tutorials
Math Tutorials are a new set of online math tutorials that present the main topics in the school curriculum in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step way.
Learn MoreIDL Multiplication Tables Check
This revision tool prepares learners for the mandatory Multiplication Table Check (MTC), which is now statutory for all primary schools in England.
Learn MoreCreating life changing
opportunities for all.
International Dyslexia Learning (IDL) provides specialist multi-sensory software to primary and secondary schools in the UK and around the world.
Our main goal is to provide learning support to those most in need and our software is used by thousands of learners across the globe. IDL was developed to support the growing number of young people who are falling through the gaps in Literacy and Numeracy.
Find Out More About IDLChildren using IDL.
Proven to improve confidence and self-esteem.
Supporting SEN around the world
K-12 Education
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Global Education Groups
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Improving the wellbeing of children with dyslexia and dyscalculia
Developed around five basic principles
Our software was developed in direct response to the growing number of young people who are falling through the gaps in literacy and numeracy. IDL Literacy has been in use for over 30 years and can dramatically increase reading and spelling ages for those with dyslexia or low literacy levels.
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Multi Sensory Lessons
IDL uses sight, sound, touch, and voice to improve literacy and mathematical ability.
Progress Monitoring
Teachers can easily see how pupils are achieving against expected standards for their age group along with identifying areas they are struggling with most.
Simple To Use
IDL has been simply designed to make it easy for pupils and teachers to use.
Independent Learning
Pupils are able to work independently on the programme, allowing for larger intervention groups.
Available Anywhere
Pupils can use IDL from school or at home, on a computer or tablet. The cloud is used to store pupil progress so they can pick up where they left off.