IDL for Middle & High Schools
IDL is widely used in middle and high schools across the US to support SEN learners and those falling behind in literacy and numeracy. It is typically used with small intervention groups and is proven to dramatically improve reading, spelling and maths ability in pupils up to the age of 16+.
IDL is particularly effective for aiding the transition between the last year of primary and the first year of middle and high school. If both schools use IDL, we can simply transfer a pupil’s profile from one to the other. This allows the pupil to pick up where they left off in Year 6, providing stability and familiarity.
The IDL impact
Pupils can really benefit from IDL’s structured multi-sensory approach to learning. Many schools report significant progress in reading, spelling and math within a short period of time, substantially impacting progress in other subjects and improving learning independence.
IDL can be used to boost important skills in preparation for tests. The IDL spelling lessons are particularly useful at this point, addressing subject specific vocabulary in core subjects such as Math and Science.
Tracking student progress for both individual students and groups is easy for teachers and simple to access – data is available in both graph and written format. The information is easy to read and understand – really useful for presenting results.
After only 26 hours use of IDL...
10 months improvement in reading age
11 months in spelling age
Products for secondary schools View All Products
IDL Literacy
The IDL Literacy intervention is a speaking computer based multi-sensory system which supports learners with dyslexia and other learning difficulties to increase their reading and spelling ages.
Learn MoreIDL Numeracy
IDL Numeracy is a maths software resource that helps to improve ability for low-attaining learners in mathematics.
Learn MoreIDL Wellbeing
IDL Wellbeing is an exciting new product designed to integrate with a whole-school approach to mental health, toughness and behaviour management.
Learn MoreIDL Literacy Screener
The IDL Literacy Screener is a simple, effective online tool that can be used to highlight dyslexic type difficulties.
Learn MoreIDL Numeracy Screener
The IDL Numeracy Screener has been developed to provide a simple to use online test that will highlight any dyscalculic tendencies or number SEN.
Learn MoreIDL Maths Tutorials
Math Tutorials are a new set of online math tutorials that present the main topics in the school curriculum in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step way.
Learn MoreIDL Multiplication Tables Check
This revision tool prepares learners for the mandatory Multiplication Table Check (MTC), which is now statutory for all primary schools in England.
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