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Brand New Free Literacy Screener


We are delighted to announce the launch of the IDL Literacy Screener which is available now!

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We are proud to offer our brand new Literacy Screener completely free of charge to all schools! We hope to help identify pupils struggling with literacy and ensure they get the support they need.

The IDL Literacy Screener is a simple effective online tool that can be used to highlight dyslexic type difficulties. The test takes around 30 minutes to complete and is perfect for screening pupils aged 8 and over. It can be used with groups or individuals where there may be a concern about their literacy progress.

The test focuses on the skills needed to understand written and spoken language:

A deficiency in one or more of these skill areas can be an early indicator of dyslexia and other learning difficulties enabling you to tailor further support for the pupil.

To find out more about this exciting new product email [email protected] or visit the Literacy Screener product page.