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Literacy Screener

IDL Literacy Screener

The IDL Literacy Screener is a simple, effective online tool that can be used to highlight dyslexic type difficulties. The test takes around 30 minutes to complete and is perfect for screening pupils aged 8 and over. It can be used with groups and individuals where there may be a concern about their literacy progress.

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IDL Literacy Screener

Early identification of difficulties is vital for appropriate and targeted support. This test is incredibly easy to administer, with only one teacher or teaching assistant invigilating a whole class. Results can then be interpreted by class teachers and SENCOs who will find them invaluable for developing appropriate interventions.

The test focuses on the skills needed to understand written and spoken language:
As a thorough test, the IDL Literacy Screener contains 11 individual tasks:
Why is it important to detect dyslexia early?

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