Numbers and Counting
This strand of reasoning encompasses fundamental concepts including numerosity, cardinality and quantity. Pupils learn how to count forwards and backwards as well as identify quantities on sight e.g., counting dots.
IDL Numeracy is a math software that helps to improve ability for low-attaining learners in mathematics. In order to be inclusive, the lessons in IDL Numeracy are designed to reduce the stress those with dyscalculia would ordinarily feel when faced with mathematical problems. After a few hours using IDL Numeracy, learners will find a familiarity with the lessons and because the lesson mechanics remain the same, they gain the confidence they need to tackle problems, even those they have never encountered before.
Make An Enquiry Watch Our Video GuideA 2 product annual school bundle licence provides unlimited user access to any 2 IDL products. This bundle includes home access for pupils.
Buy this licenceUnlimited user access to IDL Numeracy. This includes the IDL Numeracy Screener, IDL Math Tutorials, IDL Multiplication Tables Check and home access for pupils.
Buy this licenceSave money with an annual school bundle licence and get unlimited user access to IDL Literacy, IDL Numeracy and IDL Wellbeing. This bundle provides access to IDL Screeners, Multiplication Tables Check and home access for pupils.
Buy this licenceThe Numeracy software is used predominantly by learners that have dyscalculia, although it is not limited to those with special educational needs. The software can also be used to support any learners who struggle with numeracy. It can also be used for teacher training and planning, as well as for school psychologists and educational specialists.
The software contains interactive elements, a detailed precision tracking system and animated guidance on mathematical methods and principles.
IDL Numeracy is an interactive mathematics resource designed to help children improve their numeracy skills.
The IDL Numeracy software resource contains:
Every lesson is designed to match individual targets set out in the National Curriculum as well as promote overall understanding of mathematical methods. There are eleven distinct strands in the program, each individually tracking a pupil’s ability in those principles.
For example, a pupil might be operating at the understanding of a Year 3 pupil when it comes to Addition and Subtraction but struggles with money problems, working at a Year 1 level. IDL Numeracy will place them according to these strengths and weaknesses, providing more insightful feedback to teachers and boosting learners where needed.
This strand of reasoning encompasses fundamental concepts including numerosity, cardinality and quantity. Pupils learn how to count forwards and backwards as well as identify quantities on sight e.g., counting dots.
Pupils explore the applications of place value and decimal notation using our drag-and-drop interface and real-world problems to build competence.
Some of the core operations of numeracy, our program teaches pupils to efficiently and effectively add or subtract quantities. These lessons combine word problems, different representations of values and column method as well as many more variations.
Our strand-curriculum guides pupils through formal written and mental methods to multiply and divide. Pupils experiment with grouping, factor pairs and understanding the importance of commutativity.
Fractions are demonstrated in a wide range of methods from easy-to-comprehend diagrams all the way to decimals and equivalent fractions. The correlation between whole values and fractions of values is reinforced throughout.
Our weights and measures strand embeds understanding of negative values in temperature, equivalence in weights and how real-life problems can be solved using rational methods. Pupils learn to read thermometers and experience related units of measurement.
The money strand of IDL Numeracy includes problems of a practical context to help build confidence and mental arithmetic skills. Pupils learn how to calculate total costs, change and use multiple denominations of coins to pay.
From analogue to digital clocks, our time lessons show pupils how to read and solve clock-based problems. The lessons scaffold this knowledge into more complex problems based on duration, deductive reasoning and conversion of values.
Orientation, translation and symmetry are only a few of the skills demonstrated in these lessons. This strand begins with recognizing 2D and 3D shapes and the criteria thereof before moving on to comparing nets, co-ordinate locations, terminology and overall spatial reasoning.
Problems requiring proportional awareness, sorting from smallest to largest and then expanding pupil’s deductive skills. These lessons include whole values and fractions, promoting numerical and shape pattern recognition and more.
This strand comprehensively covers data organisation and charts, both reading and compiling them. Pupils will learn to accurately understand a range of tables and charts, how and why they are used and more. This strand also encompasses co-ordinates and plotting points to solve a number of problems.
Although the program includes a vast variety of different lessons, each are built to the IDL methodology to be accessible, engaging and effective. The principles will always be the same; mathematical problems are presented in a fun and intuitive way. Each problem comes complete with auditory instructions, along with additional functions to help find the solution or simplify the puzzle. Each question is solved by moving items around the screen or by clicking on the right items making it even more accessible to pupils with a range of difficulties across any platform
Every element of the National Curriculum is included with individual targets to monitor progress like never before. Pupils’ learning is no longer tied to a single linear progression but can exist at different levels on multiple strands of understanding – making it easier than ever to isolate areas of difficulty and target interventions.
The IDL Numeracy Screener has been developed to provide a simple to use online test that will highlight any dyscalculic tendencies or number SEN.
Learn MoreThe IDL Animated Maths Tutorials present the main topics in the school curriculum in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step way.
Learn MoreThe IDL Literacy intervention is a speaking computer based multi-sensory system which supports learners with dyslexia and other learning difficulties to increase their reading and spelling ages.
Learn MoreThe IDL Literacy Screener is a simple, effective online tool that can be used to highlight dyslexic type difficulties.
Learn MoreIDL Wellbeing is an exciting product designed to integrate with a whole-school approach to mental health, toughness and behaviour management.
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